Divendres, 15 Març
a les 23:00
fa un any
Village Underground Lisboa
Més gran que 16 anys
Es pot sol·licitar identificació
Wäxxel Label Night is back!
This year is filled with 4 different events & new releases. We're kicking it off with our first event the 15th of March and we have the pleasure to bring Sweden's finest - Franz Jäger to Lisbon.
Joining him is Portugal's beloved Enkō
A 7 hour ride divided in 2 acts with 3.5 hours each
Location: Village Underground Lisboa
Lights By Wäxxel
A friendly reminder: While we'll be capturing the entire night with a fixed camera, we encourage you to put your phones down and fully savor the moment.
Esdeveniment finalitzat
Aquest esdeveniment ja ha acabat i no hi ha entrades disponibles.
Veure esdeveniments Village Underground