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Dissabte, 24 Juny a les 17:00
fa 2 anys
Village Underground Lisboa
Av. da Índia 52, 1300-299 Lisboa
Més gran que 18 anys
Es pot sol·licitar identificació

Village Underground / Lisbon

Sat. 24th June (17h - 6h)

KON-TIKI is a monthly event series based in Lisbon.

We’ll have the pleasure to host some master artists of the deep/ psychedelic techno scene.

For our fifth event, we are very excited to be with talented producers Brando Lupi, Tauceti, Dub-Burn / David & Manu, Stereo Addiction, as well as Enkö.

We are happy to announce that from June we’re going be outdoors from 17:00 to 23:00 and indoors from 23:00 to 6:00.

Line up:



@david_nostra_rodrigues and @thesonicmanu

@gustavorod and @johngroove




See you on the dancefloor!

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